Requirements & Information 



  • Residents must be personally willing to enter the program and participate in all events and activities. Even court ordered participants must willingly comply with all program guidelines (CRCI does not operate lock & key facilities and participants may discharge themselves at any time). Residents who do not wish to actively participate in program activities will be dismissed from the program. This is to prevent all residents from being affected by an environment of negativity.

  • Residents must be in good physical health (can sit, stand, and walk without assistance). CRCI does not operate any medical facilities and does not employ a medical staff to accommodate these specific needs.

  • Contact is limited to immediate family for the entire duration of stay. The approved contacts include a resident's sibling, spouse, parent, or child.

  • Male residents must be willing to shave their face and trim their hair to a suitable length, as determined by staff.

  • CRCI offers all services on nicotine free, drug free, and alcohol free campuses. Residents testing positive for nicotine, any illicit substance, or alcohol at any time after admission may be subject to immediate dismissal from the program.

  • Residents must be free to travel across state lines without restriction. Parole/Probation officers are usually willing to work with us and provide travel permits to residents who are in our car, although this must be verified before acceptance.

  • Mood or mind-altering substances: CRCI programs do not function as medical facilities and do not employ medical personnel. Residents who possess a diagnosis or require prescription medication necessitating a level of care beyond what CRCI offers will be referred to alternative programs. However, certain low-risk mood and mind-altering medications, prescribed before admission, may be authorized for use within CRCI programs, subject to pre-approval prior to intake. The acquisition or usage of unauthorized mood or mind-altering substances, regardless of whether they are prescribed or over-the-counter, such as sleep aids, non-caffeine stimulants, narcotics, narcotic substitutes, and other substances known to induce a "legal high," may result in immediate dismissal from the program. Use of illegal drugs or alcohol will result in an immediate discharge from the program whether the resident is present or not, and if they do not return to collect their property within 24 hours it will be considered abandoned.

  • Due to zoning limitations we are not permitted to accept convicted sex offenders or convicted sexual predators.



The House of our Father in Heaven is a house of order. It is with this philosophy that the staff at CRCI operate on a daily basis. We do this to help those that are lost, addicted and yearning for a new life that is clean and free of the drugs that have permeated their very being.

As an addiction recovery center, it is our responsibility to provide an environment conducive to having the Spirit of God among each staff member who lives and works at our facility. We strive to maintain order while at the same time educate, heal and enable the residents to use their God-given personal power to become drug free and clean.

We have several PDF documents that you may want to download and read over. To view the PDF document, simply click one of the links below and you will be taken to the viewing page:

Upcoming Events

Rare of Breed Concert

OCT. 17TH 7PM - $10

Lighting the Way

SEPT. 28TH 7PM - $20

Charity Gala