Read below to find out how God has moved in the lives of Christian Recovery graduates.
Discover the story of Billy, a CRCI success story! In 2022, Billy entered our program through a court-ordered Drug Court mandate. His positive experience with CRCI, shared through a valued community partner, paved the way for success and growth. Today, almost two years later, Billy is thriving as CRCI's Maintenance Manager, overseeing all facilities.
I am 20 years old. When I was 4 years old, I was adopted by my parents after being removed from an abusive home. I developed some severe mental illnesses as a result, which I would battle daily. My parents noticed something was wrong, so they immediately put my little sister and I into therapy. Although they had the right intentions, I over time grew resentment toward therapists and therapy. At the age of 12, I smoked weed for the first time, It was the first time I felt like I fit in, that I was not "sick." However, it was not until I was 14 that I grew into my addiction.

My name is Ben, I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in the foothills of North Carolina in a small town called Lenoir. Growing up I lived the stereotypical, normal childhood. Whether it was running wild around the house or dominating in various sports, I was a very active child. My younger brother and sister were also active in sports. Our family was always at some practice or game cheering one another on. We were blessed to not only have what we needed but also what we wanted from our parents. wanted from our parents. Everything was picture perfect for my family until 2010 when my dad began to feel the weight of the economy crashing.

Nobody plans on becoming a drug addict. In fact, I’m pretty sure no one ever plans on even trying drugs. Like many other things in my life, it just seemed like one day I looked around and found myself in a full-blown addiction. Some people try certain drugs and are turned off by it and never think twice about it. Some others seem to enjoy them and only do them recreationally, occasionally. I am neither of these types. I’ve always been a person who wanted to believe in God. In fact, I felt that there probably had to be a God. I just wasn’t sure how to go about finding this out for sure.

My name is April. I am 26 years old. When I walked into the doors of the Rose House my walls were miles high. I hid behind my walls and my hoodie as if both could keep me safe. Not realizing the wake of my destruction was like a ghost to me. I was in denial about both my addiction and the damage I had caused to others' lives. There was a lot of trauma, grief, depression, anxiety, and fear. I could not move without feeling paralyzed by the demons that had a hold on me. I was under a dark cloud, and I could not get out of it. I gave my life back to God in June of 2021 and I got baptized in July of 2021 at Sunset Beach. I had done this before but this time I trusted God no matter what.

My name is Todd and by God's grace, today I'm no longer entangled with drugs. I had an ideal upbringing in every sense; I had supportive parents who raised my two older brothers in church and provided us with almost everything we could ever want growing up. They gave us everything we needed to live a successful adult life. I went to college and the instant freedom of being able to make my own decisions led to poor choice after poor choice. Fortunately, I was able to finish school and obtain a degree, but the devil obtained a stronghold on my life. As time passed drugs took more and more control of my life.