Partnering Agencies

We couldn't do this without the help and support of the following agencies: 

Beach Assembly of God

Ocean Ridge Charities Association 

United Way

Brunswick Electric

VenueSmart LLC 

The Home Depot

Knights of Columbus

Meadowlands Golf Club

Carolina National Golf Club

St. James Plantation

New Life Church Calabash

The Bridge Church

Thomas Drugs

Andrew's Chapel

Winding River Plantation

Charlie F. Adams Electric


Reflections of Moments Photography

Seaside United Methodist 

Shallotte Presbyterian Church 

Prospect Baptist Church 

Hughes & Hughes Nursery

Pallet Express // Express Mulch

Jennies Branch Baptist Church

Breath of Life 

Norris & Tunstall 

Calabash Covenant Presbyterian

Netterfield's Popcorn & Lemonade Inc.

RM Cleaning- Robert White

Lighting the Way Event

DEC. 7TH 5:30PM-7:30PM