Columbus Christian Recovery Center

Men's Motivational Track

Motivational Track Overview

The CRCI men's motivational track is an introductory phase designed to assist qualified residents to bridge the gap from an unstructured living environment to the residential treatment program's tightly regulated schedule. It is our goal that in the early stages of recovery residents can successfully acclimate to a thoroughly structured environment with more ease by first going through a less intense, residential transition period that will further prepare them for more intensive residential treatment. The Motivational track serves as an introductory phase to the program by offering a less rigorous schedule and more room for residents to acclimate themselves to the infrastructure of the program. Residents will need to show they have achieved certain goals such as, but not limited to: proper adherence to policy and procedure, an appropriate response to authority, and a willingness to receive (and apply) new information both in recovery and daily living. Residents must show significant improvement in these areas before they will be considered for an approved transition into Phase I of the main treatment program. When criteria for program entry is fulfilled and a bed is available residents will be eligible to move out of the introductory phase and into phase I of the residential program.

Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.

-Romans 15:2 

Charity Gala